Tag: driving

Reading of the Week: Motor Vehicle Crashes and Mental Disorders – the New CJP Paper; Also, Psychedelics & the States, and Hogan on NYC & Coercion

From the Editor 

He’s not well but insists that he can still drive his car. Should you report him to the Ministry of Transportation?

As clinicians, we often struggle with such issues, which touch on clinical judgment, as well as legal requirements. In Ontario, half a decade ago, the governme­­nt changed the law, requiring mandatory reporting for several conditions, including “acute” psychosis. Yet other provinces continue to leave major decisions to the discretion of providers. What does the literature say about motor vehicle crashes and mental disorders? In the first selection, Dr. Mark J. Rapoport (of the University of Toronto) and his co-authors do a systematic review for The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, drawing on 24 studies. “The available evidence is mixed, not of high quality, and does not support a blanket restriction on drivers with psychiatric disorder.” We consider the paper and its implications.

In the second selection, Dr. Joshua S. Siegel (of Washington University in St. Louis) and his co-authors look at US state legislation for psychedelic drugs in a new JAMA Psychiatry Special Communication. They note a sharp uptick in legislative activity and draw comparisons to cannabis. “After decades of legal restriction, US states have been swiftly moving toward increased access to psychedelics.”

And in the third selection, Michael F. Hogan (of Case Western Reserve University) writes about coercion and mental health care in JAMA Psychiatry. He considers the proposals of New York City Mayor Eric Adams which would expand efforts to hospitalize those with several, persistent mental illness. “Mayor Adams’ proposal for a more vigorous police response leading to inpatient care is well intended but incomplete. It would be preferable for New York to implement comprehensive crisis programs, including intensive care options that reduced the burden on police.”


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Reading of the Week: Cannabis & Driving – a New RCT; Also, Prolonged Grief Disorder (JAMA Psych) and the Life and Legacy of Alan A. Stone (NYT)

From the Editor

It’s legal. It’s readily available. What are the implications for road safety?

Cannabis is the focus of more and more research. Little, though, has been studied for its effects on driving. In the first selection, Thomas D. Marcotte (of the University of California San Diego) and his co-authors consider cannabis and driving performance. In a new paper for JAMA Psychiatry, they report on an RCT: “In a placebo-controlled parallel study of regular cannabis users smoking cannabis with different THC content ad libitum, there was statistically significant worsening on driving simulator performance in the THC group compared with the placebo group.” We consider the paper and its clinical implications.

Next month, the American Psychiatric Association releases DSM-5-TR, the first major update to the DSM series in nine years. Though the diagnostic criteria of several disorders have been revised, there is only one new disorder: prolonged grief disorder. In the second selection, Holly G. Prigerson (of Cornell University) and her co-authors write about it for JAMA Psychiatry. “PGD is a serious mental disorder that puts the patient at risk for intense distress, poor physical health, shortened life expectancy, and suicide.”

Finally, in the third selection, we consider the life and legacy of Dr. Alan A. Stone, a psychiatrist who passed at the age of 92. In his obituary for The New York Times, reporter Clay Risen describes his incredible career – as a psychoanalyst, a Harvard professor (in both the faculties of law and medicine), and a former president of the American Psychiatric Association who championed dropping homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder.


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