From the Editor

During the first wave, alone and isolated, he started to drink significantly more. Now, many months later, he continues to struggle with an alcohol use disorder. This patient’s journey – as he told me in the ED last week – is a familiar story that we as clinicians have heard many times in these past few years. What can be done to help? Could we better reach those who are misusing alcohol?

In JAMA Psychiatry, Dan I. Lubman (of Monash University) and his co-authors describe an intervention that is very relevant. In this Australian RCT, some participants received 4-6 sessions of telephone-provided, manualized cognitive and behavioural intervention that included mindfulness. They found that: “this randomized clinical trial did not find superior effectiveness of this telephone-based cognitive and behavioral intervention compared with active control.” We discuss the paper and its clinical implications.

Dr. David Goldbloom has had a storied career: senior medical advisor at CAMH, professor at the University of Toronto, former chair of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, former editor of The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. And tomorrow, he adds another title to that long list: retiree. This week’s second selection is a new Quick Takes podcast interview with him in which he comments on career and retirement and more. “I’m not an entirely gloomy or nihilistic person, either by temperament or based on what I’ve witnessed over the last 40 years.”

Finally, in the third selection, Dr. Robert A. Kleinman (of the University of Toronto) and his co-authors argue that “against medical advice” is a dated term. In Annals of Internal of Medicine, they argue for a new approach: “Shifting away from the ‘AMA’ terminology and toward more collaborative approaches to these discharges would improve the treatment of patients who are too often stigmatized by the clinicians and health systems that are meant to care for them.”


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