Tag: rTMS

Reading of the Week: rTMS vs Meds for Antidepressant Non-responders – the New AJP Study; Also, Stea on the Wellness Industry

From the Editor

He’s had two antidepressant trials, yet he still can’t get out of bed. What’s the next step for my patient with depression? With so many antidepressant options available, the simplest answer is another med. But what could be an alternative? These questions are highly practical – consider that roughly 700 000 Canadians struggle with treatment-refractory depression. 

Iris Dalhuisen (of Radboud University) and her co-authors attempt to shed light on the issue. In a newly published American Journal of Psychiatry study, they describe a randomized comparison involving 89 people with treatment-refractory depression who received either rTMS or another antidepressant. “In a sample of patients with moderately treatment-resistant depression, rTMS was more effective in reducing depressive symptoms than a switch of antidepressant medication.” We analyze the study, the Editorial that accompanies it, and the implications for practice.

In this week’s other selection, Jonathan N. Stea (of the University of Calgary) writes about the wellness industry in an essay for The Globe and Mail. He bemoans the snake-oil salesmen and their big promises. “As a clinical psychologist, I have encountered many patients who received pseudoscientific assessments and treatments for their mental-health concerns. The tidal wave of pseudoscientific mental-health practices originates both within and outside of the mental-health professions.”


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Reading of the Week: rTMS – the New JAMA Psych Paper; Also, Opioid Overdoses (JAMA Net Open) and Green on Peak Mental Health (NYT)

From the Editor

She’s an accomplished person who had succeeded in business and then writing, all the while raising three children; she also has an amazing smile and lights up the room when talking about her kids. But in my office, sick with depression, she can only focus on her losses and failings; the smile is absent.

Depression is common and disabling. Those who are affected in late-life are particularly challenging to treat. Is there a better way? In the first selection from JAMA Psychiatry, Dr. Daniel Blumberger (of the University of Toronto) and his co-authors consider theta burst stimulation, a newer form of rTMS which has shown promise in earlier work. Their study is a randomized noninferiority trial, directly comparing the two versions of rTMS in elderly patients with depression. The result? “We showed that bilateral TBS was noninferior to standard bilateral rTMS in improving depression, and similarly well tolerated, in a real-world sample of older adults with TRD [treatment resistant depression]…” We review the paper and its clinical implications.

In the second selection, Lori Ann Post (of Northwestern University) and her co-authors draw on CDC data to look at opioid overdoses in the United States with a focus on geography. In a JAMA Network Open research letter, they find: “Overall, opioid-involved overdose deaths rates increased steadily in counties of every urbanicity type, although there were distinct temporal wave patterns by urbanicity.”

And in the third selection, Huw Green (of the University of Cambridge) wonders about mental health and mental illness – and worries that the terms are becoming blurred together. Writing in The New York Times, the psychologist concludes: “When we move away from a focus on psychological problems and toward ‘mental health’ more broadly, clinicians stumble into terrain that extends beyond our expertise. We ought to be appropriately humble.”  

This month, the Reading of the Week enters its ninth year. A quick word of thanks for your ongoing interest.


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