From the Editor
After a suicide attempt, he was admitted through our ED. The hospitalization has been helpful: we changed his medications; the family is now more understanding of his problems; he has worked on safety planning with the team. However, could more be offered? It’s a relevant question – particularly for someone like me (I’ve worked on inpatient wards for most of my career).
In the first selection from JAMA Psychiatry, Gretchen J. Diefenbach (of Yale University) and her co-authors describe a randomized clinical trial involving 200 inpatients who received either the usual care or a focused CBT, tailored for short admissions. The one common factor: all participants had had a suicide attempt in the week prior to admission or current suicidal ideation along with a suicide attempt in the past two years. “Brief cognitive behavioral therapy–inpatient reduced 6-month post-discharge suicide reattempts and rate of readmissions when added to treatment as usual.” We discuss the paper and the clinical implications.

How accessible is mental healthcare in the US? In the second selection, Dr. Diksha Brahmbhatt and William L. Schpero (both of Cornell University) look at Medicaid recipients and psychiatric appointments in a research letter for JAMA. Using a “secret shopper” approach, they contacted clinicians in four cities, trying to book a psychiatric appointment for those covered by the public program. “In the largest Medicaid managed care plans across 4 of the largest US cities, only 17.8% of clinicians listed as in-network for Medicaid were reachable, accepted Medicaid, and could provide a new patient appointment.”
And in the third selection, Dr. Joel Yager (of the University of Colorado), a retired psychiatrist, writes personally in a piece for JAMA. In his later years, Dr. Yager’s father helped his older friends and neighbours with the burden of aging, including visiting them in hospitals when they were ill. Now, he is doing what his father did. “After all, someone has to be around to put out the lights.”
This month, the Reading of the Week celebrates its 10th anniversary. A quick word of thanks for the ongoing interest. I’ll reflect more in the coming weeks.
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